Tuesday, April 5, 2011

GCFP May 9, 2010 Parson to Person - MOTHER'S DAY Special

There are so many things I’ve read about praises and tribute for mothers especially every Mother’s day! But what’s the best to read is the life of our mothers who have loved us so dearly and sacrificially offered their time, money, and yes, their lives for us.
My mom loves her family and provided atmosphere where each member can find acceptance, security, understanding and love. She is patiently there when we need a listening ear, comforting words of wisdom, a warm hug and a loving touch. She is a passionate woman and inspired us to be a person of worth and excellence. Because of her non-mediocrity way of living and teaching, I have learned these principles consciously that I affirmatively use these as guide now that I am also mother:

Subdue self-will in a child and work together with God.
Teach him to pray as soon as he can speak.
Give him nothing he cries for and only what is good for him if he asks for it politely.
To prevent lying, punish no fault that is freely confessed,
but never allow a rebellious, sinful act to go unchecked.
Commend and reward good behavior.
Strictly observe all promises you have made to your child.

Most importantly, I have seen and felt that her greatest joy was in teaching us to trust and to love Jesus as our Savior and being faithful and still under His care, for He is in control of everything!
She is the kind of mother who deserves to be honored, not just on one special day a year but every day. And that recognition should involve more than words and ought to be shown in respect, thoughtfulness and loving deeds. With these, I was able to make a song for her to express how deeply special she is to me. I would definitely want to be like her for she is an epitome of holy influence in following Jesus!

Of all the earthly things that our Lord gives,
There is only one above all others:
Thank you Lord for this precious, priceless gift
You’ve blessed me with a loving Christian mother.

She’s indeed a loving Christian mother
For her love contains the wondrous “Good News”
Because You, Lord of love has found forever
Her kind and humble heart, an ample throne.

You’ve poured so much grace to my mother
That it overflowed to me as she bestowed Your love
I would want to be like her so I can pass the Light to others
Starting from the loved ones of whom I’m blessed to have.

Since You gave me this gift, so priceless Lord,
I know soon one day from me she'll depart,
Teach me to lavish her with loving kindness,
With a real true love, with all of my heart.

And now as a mother, I pray
In my life Your love will shine through
And as I follow You Jesus, they will say
“Mother, I want to be like you.”

I think that today, on this Mother’s Day, would be a wonderful time to declare publicly your love for your mom if you still have her—or to give thanks to the Lord for her if she is no longer with you. Then show in some tangible ways how much you love her and how much she has meant to you.
And on this special day, let us thank God for the mothers who have molded our hearts. Let us honor our godly mothers not only with words of praise for them but with lives that reflect the impact of their holy influence! And as we honor them, we fulfill the truth of Proverbs 31:28, “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” I love you mommy. I praise God for you!

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